Braga APNOC 2010

 Braga, Portugal, June 22, 2010

2nd International Workshop on Abstractions for Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency

a satellite event of

Petri Nets 2010

31th International Conference on Application and Theory of Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency

The APNOC Workshop has merged with SUMo to make a stronger event. It is moved to Tuesday June 22nd.


Important Dates:

Deadline for abstracts:
March 13, 2010
Deadline for papers:
March 20, 2010
Notification of paper acceptance: May 1, 2010
Deadline for all final contributions: May 22, 2010
June 22, 2010

Contact e-mail:




09:00-10:00 - Keynote

D. Kröning (Oxford University, United Kingdom), Unbounded is back
I will present an application of coverability analysis of unbounded Petri nets to the verification of recursion-free C programs with unbounded thread creation. The first challenge is to overcome what is known as the dimensionality problem: using a naive encoding, the number of places in the Petri net is exponential in the size of the input program. The second challenge is to efficiently decide coverability, for which we present a novel cutoff-based algorithm. Benchmark results on Boolean programs generated from C programs and on well-known Petri-nets are presented. This is joint work with Thomas Wahl.


10:00-10:30 - break


10:30-12:00 - APNOC session

K. Barylska, L. Mikulski and E. Ochmanski, On Persistent Reachability in Petri Nets

D. Elhog-Benzina, S. Haddad and R. Hennicker, Process Refinement and Asynchronous Composition with Modalities

K. van Hee and Z. Liu, Generating Benchmarks by Random Stepwise Refinement of Petri Nets


12:00-14:00 - lunch


14:00-15:00 - SUMo session 1

M. Knapik and W. Penczek, Bounded Model Checking for Parametric Time Automata

S. Hostettler, A. Linard, A. Marechal and M. Risoldi, Improving the significance of benchmarks for Petri nets model checkers


15:00-15:30 - break


15:30-17:00 - SUMo session 2

W. Penczek, A. Polrola and A. Zbrzezny, Towards Automatic Composition of Web Services: A SAT-based Phase

A. Hamez, S. Hostettler, A. Linard, A. Maréchal, E. Paviot-Adet and M. Risoldi, Specification of Decision Diagram Operations

A. Niewiadomski, W. Penczek and M. Szreter, Parametric Bounded Model Checking for UML


Scope    Topics    Program chairs    Programme Committee    Registration & Accommodation    Submission and Publication   

Selected papers from the workshop will be invited for publication in a volume of a new journal subline of Lecture Notes in Computer Science entitled "Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency" (ToPNoC).


Abstractions are playing an essential role in modelling and verification of distributed systems. 

APNOC is a forum for researchers interested in abstraction techniques and methodologies for modeling and verification of concurrent systems. The modeling language of particular interest is Petri nets; other formalisms such as process algebras, pi-calculus, B-method, etc., are also of great interest, since abstraction techniques are often formalism-independent and could be transferred from one formalism to another.

Both academics and practitioners can contribute and learn from such a meeting.


Contributions describing original research in topics related to the use of abstractions for Petri nets and other models of concurrency, as well as surveys addressing abstraction techniques and open problems and new applications of abstractions are being sought. Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

Program chairs

Natalia Sidorova (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands),
Alexander Serebrenik (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands)

Programme committee

Registration & Accommodation

Please register for the APNOC'09 workshop at the registration site of the Petri Nets 2010 conference. Information about how to get to the conference site and about hotels can be found at the conference web site.

Submission and publication

The programme committee invites submissions of full contributions (up to 15 pages) or short contributions (up to 5 pages).

Papers should be submitted in electronic form (PDF) using the Springer LNCS-format ( Submissions should include title, author's address and email, and an abstract. Please submit your paper in the PDF format via

The papers will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the PC. Accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings which will be available at the workshop. At least one of the authors of each accepted contribution should register and take part in the workshop to give the presentation.

Selected papers from the workshop will be invited for publication in a volume of a new journal subline of Lecture Notes in Computer Science entitled "Transactions on Petri Nets and Other Models of Concurrency" (ToPNoC). The papers are expected to be thoroughly revised and they will go through a new round of reviewing as is standard practice for journal papers.

For further information on APNOC 2010 contact the programme committee by email at
